Exercise on a Regular Basis,be Fit and active
Keep Regular and Meticulous Control of blood sugar
Monitor Regularly & Keep Blood Pressure Under Control
Eat Healthy and Maintain Appropriate weight
Drink plenty of fluids and Stay Well-hydrated
Quit Smoking & Using Tobacco Product
Avoid Overuse of Over-the-Counter Painkillers or NSAIDs
Check Blood Creatinine To Know Kidney Function
Million Hits
Nephrologists' Team
The number of patients suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is on the rise. Alarmingly, at least 10% of the adult population is estimated to be already suffering from CKD and it is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Stage 5 of CKD, the last and most life threatening stage, is so incapacitating that life without dialysis or kidney transplant is not possible. Such treatment is prohibitively expensive and all patients can not afford it. The surest option is its prevention!
However, ignorance about kidney diseases is widespread. An important step towards fighting this ignorance is publishing of books and websites on kidney diseases in multiple languages for the benefit of patients and lay persons. These books and websites, prepared by a team of dedicated nephrologists (kidney specialists), provide comprehensive information on kidney diseases and their prevention to patients, their families, health professionals and all others.
The three most common methods used in combination to detect chronic kidney disease (CKD) are serum creatinine & eGFR blood test, urine test, and blood pressure measurement.